Horizon School Division truly values parent partnerships in ensuring success and providing support for all of our children and youth. This section of our website has been developed to support our collaboration and learning together. It is only together that we do and will be the best we can be for our kids.
Try this!
- Create a sensory tool (how to YouTube instructions)
- Colour
- Practice Mindfulness
- Enjoy a Brain Break (click for ideas)

General Information
Five Moore Minutes with Shelley Moore - Home Learning Series
Daily Brain Breaks You Can Do at Home
Pastel Education - free sessions for families
Troubleshooting Learning, Motivation, and Organization Problems
What skills can we work on while at home?
Creating Visual Support with Shelley Moore
DIY Fidget Begleri With Paracord
DIY Chair Band
Brain Breaks
DIY Sensory Tools
Social Stories
Sesame Street: Talking to Children About COVID-19
What is the Coronavirus?
My Story about Pandemics and Coronavirus by Carol Gray
Hello! I am a Virus.
My Coronavirus Story
Home Speech Home: 5-Minute Speech Therapy activities you can do at home
Communication for ASD - Hanen YouTube Video
Brain Breaks! with Laura Elliott
Previously recorded videos by Laura Elliott:
Flipping Your Lid
How to Support the Highly Emotional Child
The Challenging Child