Where is the Horizon School Division Located?

The Town of Taber and the Horizon School Division are located in the Canadian province of Alberta. They are situated in the southern portion of the province approximately 2 hours from Calgary.
Alberta is a vibrant, properous province in Western Canada. Alberta is home to the spectacular Rocky Mountains and the wide-open Prairies. Young people everywhere are attracted to Alberta's excellent education system, high standard of living and safe communities.
Academic Achievement
"Repeatedly recognized by the province of Alberta for its high academic success among students."
Horizon School Division students were above the provincial average in every subject!
Each year, Alberta grade 3, 6, 9, and 12 students participate in the Provincial Achievement Testing Program. This program tests each student's achievements based on Alberta's provincial average with regard to this testing. This is a significant statement since International Testing Programs show Alberta students continue to be among the best in the world. According to the results of the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Alberta students placed second in the world in reading and scientific literacy, and eighth in mathematical literacy.

In reading, the major focus of the 2009 PISA study, Alberta students achieved the highest average score in Canada. Internationally, Alberta’s reading literacy results were among the very highest-scoring nations, second only to Shanghai-China and tied with South Korea, Finland, and Hong Kong-China.
Results show that Alberta students score above the Canadian average in all subject areas in both national and international testing. On the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011, Alberta students excelled in science, outperforming their peers from the other participating Canadian provinces (Ontario and Quebec) and scoring among the top seven in the world. This study also highlighted that Alberta has some of the smallest gender differences in achievement among students, as well as the highest level of student access to school computers in the world.