Yu Takagi - W.R. Myers High School

I can definitely say I’ve had the time of my life in Canada. My all the experiences are priceless and my great treasures. First of all I really appreciate all the people who helped me and I want to tell them thank you. This year totally changed my life. I still remember that I was scared of everything. That is not surprise...whatever you see or listen is in English. But just everything was quite new experience to me.
For the first few months I was scared of speaking English. Well I couldn’t understand English so I just pretended that I understand what you guys saying. I know that was stupid. As a result, I couldn’t make friends lots and I didn’t like my Canadian life that much. I thought “I have to change myself. I don’t want regret all the time I have wasted.” So I tried to change my mind and take a step forward. Then, my environment has changed greatly. I didn’t have any confidences in my English skill. However, I was like “I can’t speak, listen, and understand English. So what? That is exactly why I came to Canada.” I think the most important thing you have to do in studying abroad is taking positive stance anytime. And it made me stronger.
My host school, W.R.Myers High School is the best school ever. I’m proud of all the teachers and friends. The first day of school, I was afraid of all the people. I felt like everybody stared at me. I don’t know reason why but I didn’t like my school life for 1st semester. Then like I said, I shifted my way of thinking. My life has been interesting and fantastic since 2nd semester. I took part in girls rugby and school musical. That was the best memory of my time in Canada. Rugby is one of tough sports and hard to play. Every time we have the game we got injured or huge bruises. One time the girl who hasn’t play rugby before joined our team, then she took part in a game instead of me even she started to play rugby in 2 weeks. I was really felt frustrated when I knew that I couldn’t play the game just because I can’t speak English. But I am glad I met such a good coach and girls. Next I took an audition for school musical. Fortunately I passed the test and I became member of musical. We had practiced almost every day since Jan and we performed the play “Footloose” for 3 days in May. In my case, it was difficult to handle both rugby and musical. That’s why nothing compares with the sense of achievement I got when we performed the play.
On March 11th, Japan got vast earthquake and Tsunami hit many places. They killed hundreds of people and it is heartbreaking situation. Nobody had expected this happen, and nobody could believe that. Moreover, my home town, Fukushima prefecture has nuclear power plant and it exploded tragically. I was watching news all day long and I couldn’t stop crying. I thought what I could do as an exchange student to help Japan. Many people helped us a lot and we collected donations.
I cannot describe how much studying abroad has changed my life. I have no idea what am I doing now if I didn’t go to Canada. Every single moment was an awesome experience. I’m always thinking of all the memories, family, teachers and friends. And I miss them so much. Time passed way to fast this 10 months for me. I’m pretty sure that I’ll come back to Taber again and never forget this year. Nothing can take the place of my time in Canada. To the all people in Taber, thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I love you all of you guys!!!!