Transportation Reminder 2024-25

Transportation Reminder 2024-25
Transportation Timelines for the 2024-25 School Year
Will you be new to one of our schools in September?
Do you have a new Kindergarten student?
Is your family moving into the Division boundary?
Or do you have a child starting at a new school?
- Children in grade 5 moving into grade 6 at another school
- Children who will begin attending an outreach program
- Children who will be attending a new non-designated school
August and September are a very busy time in our transportation department.
The best way to ensure transportation for the beginning of the school year is to complete a transportation request form by June 15.
Students in grade K - 6 are eligible if they reside 1.0 km or more away from their attending school.
Students in grade 7-12 are eligible if they reside 2.0 km or more away from their attending school.
Please note that first priority for busing is given to students that are attending a designated school.
All new students need to fill out a transportation request form to access transportation.
To avoid delays in arranging transportation please complete the following steps by June 15.
1. Register at your school.
2. If you are unsure about which school is your child’s designated school, please contact our division office at 403-223-3547.
3. If you require transportation please review policy EEA Student Transportation, and complete the Transportation Request Form prior to June 15.
Student Transportation
Transporting Students for the 2024-25 School Year
Horizon School Division is responsible for transporting Eligible Bus Students to their Designated School as per the Education Act and Student Transportation Regulation.
Eligible Bus Students
- K-6 students who reside 1.0 km or more away from their designated school
- 7-12 students who reside 2.0 km or more away from their designated school
Designated School
- The Horizon School Division Board of Trustees directs a student to attend based on the student's residence and The Board's attendance area (boundary).
Requesting Transportation
Parents need to request transportation for new students if they are eligible and designated. Request forms returned by June 15 will be processed and students will be assigned transportation for the start of the 2024-25 school year. Request forms returned after June 15 for all new eligible and designated students will be assigned transportation by September 15 dependent on date of registration and completion of Transportation Request Form.
Ineligible Students and/or Non-designated School
Parents are also responsible to request transportation for their children if they do not meet the criteria. New ineligible students and/or non-designated school transportation requests will be prioritized by the date received. The Transportation Coordinator will begin assigning ineligible and non-designated students after September 15 if there is available space on the bus.
- Please ensure to notify your school secretary if there are any changes to your address or phone number(s). Bus drivers need to have current information in order to contact parents regarding the bus stop and time of pick-up/drop-off.
Transportation Requests
All new students that want to access transportation need to complete a Transportation Request Form.