A lump sum payment or monthly payments (September to June) are accepted at your school.
Payment options include:
1: Payment by Cash
2: Payment by Cheque
- Payable to your school
- A lump sum payment can be dated for September 1st, or 10 monthly cheques dated for the 1st of each month for the year (September to June).
- Please print your child’s name in the memo on the cheque
3: Payment Online
School Cash is an online payment system that is available for the convenience of Early Learning parents. Pay through School Cash HERE.
4: Waiver of Fees
Horizon School Division offers a Waiver of Fees for families who qualify. Applications are accepted starting June 1st for the upcoming school year. The deadline for applying is November 1st.
Children who experience difficulties in speech, language, hearing, vision, behaviour, and/or motor skills, that meet Alberta Education requirements, may access early intervention programming within our early education classrooms. If your child qualifies for this funding, the Early Learning fees would be covered.
Please advise the school if your child has an identified delay or if they have had a recent assessment. If your child has an identified delay or you are concerned about your child’s development, you may contact the Coordinator of Learner Services:
Amber Kallen
Horizon School Division No. 67
6302 - 56 Street
Taber, Alberta T1G 1Z9
Phone: 403-223-3547 ext. 10132
Email: amber.kallen@horizon.ab.ca