If your child is 3 years old by September 1, they can be enrolled in Early Learning!
Early Learning Registration Form 2025-26
Registration opens January 13, 2025 and closes May 1, 2025. Late registrations may be accepted based on availability.
Drop off the completed registration form at your designated school. Early Learning registrations for programs within the town of Taber need to be dropped off at the Horizon School Division Office.
Please take the following information with you to register:
- completed registration form,
- one of the following: certificate of birth, adoption, Canadian Citizenship, Landed Immigrant, or Student Authorization (Visa), and
- Alberta Health Care Card
See Program Payment Options for more information.
Children with an identified developmental delay, or if they are learning English as a second language, may qualify for funding support and additional program services.
Our Early Learning programs offer a play-based approach with many hands-on experiences for young children. Each day the children have the opportunity to create, observe and explore, listen to stories, move, and sing. These activities are guided by staff who offer a safe and positive first-school experience for children. We also strive to work together with families to best meet the needs of the children.
We offer a wide variety of developmentally appropriate activities with a strong focus on speech and language development. We provide opportunities for children to develop their skills in all areas, including:
Language and Communication | Cognitive and Problem Solving |
Fine and Gross Motor Skills | Social Interaction and Emotional Regulation |
These are the skills that provide the foundation for further learning and success in school and in life.
Our Early Learning Programs are not government funded so there is a fee for children to attend. Children who have been diagnosed with a developmental delay that meets Alberta Education criteria may not be required to pay the fees.
For more information, please call Amber Kallen, Coordinator of Learner Services, at 403-223-3547 ext. 10132.